I run a systematic quarterly rebalancing plan that is powered by leveraged ETFs. I know what I am doing. The proper use of these leveraged products is a key part of my financial plan.
These funds are important to me. They improve my performance over the long term. I am not engaged in reckless trading, I understand the effect of daily magnification of an indexs price movement, and I use this
Please oppose limitations. It's not the government's or anyone's business how a person makes their investments. And there shouldn't be a cap. What should be done is Congress should reveal their investments and all investors in medical and environmental studies and advertisements and political campaigns should be revealed to show conflict of interest. But the
For decades, Americans of all incomes have looked to the investment markets as an opportunity to build wealth and achieve goals such as putting their kids through college and retiring among other things. Over the years those opportunities have continued to increase with increasing levels of innovative offerings from simple stocks and bonds to mutual funds, ETF’s, IPO’s, dividends,
There would be no concern with requiring additional disclosures to ensure investors understand the risks of these "complex" products. Limiting these investments to accredited investors however would be wrong on many levels. The fact an individual has a higher net worth than most does not automatically grant them additional understanding of financial products. This would result
Please dont do any restrictions on pro shares
I say leave leave what we have alone.Enough is Enough
I just want to have options when I need it and have funs when I am trading a X3 fund. Please do not take this away from me.
As a United States citizen with sound mind to make my own decisions on public investments that are right for me, I oppose the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority putting restrictions on what public investments I should be able to invest in. Public investments should be available to all of us and not just the privileged. I should not have to go through any special restrictions or approvals to
Please note that as an individual investor I oppose any limitations on my ability to buy or otherwise freely trade the Funds. There is enough disclosure already in the prospectus and brokerage firms such that investors are warned about the potential risks (and rewards) associated with the Funds.