Get our of my life and my pocket! [REDACTED]
We are adults and should have the right to make our own decisions.
government working overtime to cripple Americans and American values instead of protecting Americans this is another betrayal. Leave Americans alone to make their own profit, or loss. Stay out of our business. Fix your own house.
This is MY account. Not yours. As an American I should be able to invest in anything I like.
I personally have held series 3,4,7,24,55,63,66 licenses in the past and well aware of how leveraged financial instruments work!!!!
If the instrument is publicly traded the public should be able to take positions in it....quit trying to manipulate how the market works
I'm not too sure who or what this was drafted for? Who is it either protecting or giving preferential status to?. Feels like an elitist program specifically designed for them cutting out every other Man and Woman. No regulation, free market.
Leave our retirement and savings alone
Its our money we should be able to chose how we invest it.
This is Ill advised and only serves to limit options and continues to dumb down legitimate strategies individual investors can use while preserving them only for the connected and wealthy.