Please stop trying to interfering in free markets. It is a mistake and will just hurt people. When people trade these funds they know they are high risk and it is their money to lose not yours.
I am opposing the restriction to limit me from investing in LEVERAGED AND INVERSE FUNDS. Please do not pass any laws prohibiting me from these funds. Im an educated seasoned investor with a 7 figure in investable net worth with knowledge investing for several decades.
The small individual investor should be entitled to invest in the same instruments as the very wealthy. The divide between the wealthy and the rest of the population is growing exponentially. You have a responsibility to all citizens to be able to make investments that help increase one's financial worth.
They are scared they can't get thier "unfiar" share without lawing laws against the rest of us! Proves the Little Guys Can make a difference!
Let me choose what I want to invest in. Regulate the industry not the individual investors and their choices
As an active money manager, having access to solutions that have inverse leverage are critical to my business. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THEM AWAY OR LIMIT OUR ABILITY TO DEPLOY THEM WHEN NEEDED.
Well done - keep pushing forwards to a French Revolution here at home...
Leveraged ETFs have given retail investors access to strategies once only accessible to ultra high net worth families and institutional investors, all at a very reasonable cost.
Investors should understand the risks they are taking, but this is no different from any other risky asset.
I've been having enough help to be able to handle this perfection comes with time that's just not instant God bless you
Are we in China? Do not restrict our right to trade.