Dear FINRA Policy Makers: ETFs and complex inverse and leveraged ETFs have now been around for almost two decades. Why do you want to make "enhancements" that are actually are in fact "detractions" for individual investors and put them BACK into a position of not having access to ways to protect their portfolios, use hedging strategies without having significant amount of
These products are not so complicated that most investors would not understand their risks. Limiting access to these products would hurt the average retail investor. By further limiting access to a market that institutional investors have access to. This would put them at a greater disadvantage that already exists to the retail investor.
Comments: I believe the rules are stringent enoughand most investor traders know these are short term instrumentsleave the rules alone
I use the inverse leveraged products to hedge my risk. For example, I bought a share of Google upon the advice of a broker acquaintance. I was worried about the upcoming earnings report, but wanted to hold onto my stock for the split coming this Summer. So I bought an inverse leveraged product for a few days to lessen my risk during earnings season. I did have an issue with the ProShares UVXY ETF
Restricting trading of leverage products is unwarranted. The brokerage companies give you ample information and disclosures about the risks. This type of product is fast moving and should be monitored throughout the day. It is a short-term trade. Overnight positions are extremely dangerous. A product that offers 2X or 3X the underlying index is not complicated. It merely has higher risk reward
I think that access to leveraged ETFs should not be limited because each investor knows the risk and they are a very useful alternative for the investor, any investment carries a risk and that is something that the investor knows
Comments: These L&I funds allow for simple day trading without the complexity of initiating margin and shorting procedures to obtain the same results. The platform on which I trade notes that these funds are not for long term investments and it details the risks. These funds are what allow me to easily outperform the market. Without them, I would need to waste an inordinate amount of time
Comments:I am an individual investor who trades ETFs. I strongly request you don't try to control my trading because you are trying to protect the person who would use a hair dryer in a bathtub full of water. In other words you can't fix stupid. So stop trying to fix it by limiting everybody else who are capable of reading and writing.
Comments I, an educated and experienced investor for over 50 years, utilize Direxion leveraged and inverse ETFs for my portfolios. All Direxion leveraged and inverse ETFs are intended for investors as I, with an in-depth understanding of the risks associated with seeking leveraged investment results, and I do actively monitor and manage my positions. I am aware that there is no guarantee that
We already sign disclosures at brokerages warning us about the potential dangers of leveraged products. This is a huge slap in the face for retail investors and a ton of unnecessary road blocks for us that would separate us even further from institutional investors. The HUGE detrimental affect this would have on me would be insurmountable. I have leveraged ETF positions that are currently in the