Comments: Please allow average investors like me to trade on the "complex products" - including leveraged and inverse funds (L&I Funds). Today 4/29/2022, Amazon trades down about 13% or -$386.93 @ $2505.00, which is a bigger swing than the TECS or SQQQ. Which one is a bigger risk?
I highly disagree with the proposed restrictions regarding "complex" products, which isn't well-defined in the notice write-up. Not only would creating additional barriers and limiting opportunity to retail would have broader implications and negative outcomes for capital markets overall, but it removes the necessary risk management tools in an increasingly complex and evolving
Regulating those kind of investment is no free market. We should be able to invest in what we want, this is our money we are talking about. I use a strategy called Hedgefundie strategy, which consist of 55% UPRO/45% TMF, and I need to rebalance quarterly to keep that ratio. My entire TFSA is in that strategy and if we can't buy any of them anymore, I will have to sell at a loss right now in
Your opinion on FINRA’s proposed limits that may restrict your access to L&I Funds or to disqualify you from trading L&I Funds or other "complex products". I reject the proposed limitations referenced in the above comment
Comments: I have used leveraged ETFs since 2018 and have been able to understand the risks. I am consistently reminded of the risks and understand that downturns in the market can skew the performance and they are made for short term active trading and monitored regularly. I receive a notice prior to placing trades with my firm and periodic emails reminding me of the risks. I am comfortable with
Comments: L & I funds are no more risky than playing Options. If anything you should be limiting individual investors availability in using leverage to play options, or options trading in general, which can hurt the market as well. Options trading is far more like gambling and less like investing than anything else, had gained popularity with the newer more uneducated investing crowd and
My concern is how this rule would affect leveraged and inverse leveraged fund (TQQQ, SPXL, SH, etc.) - These fund allow me to obtain a desired exposure with a smaller capital commitment, freeing this capital for retirment expenses withdrawal without the need to sell anything. - These funds allow me to hedge existing positions in a simple, understandable way. - My brokerages do an excellent job
Please do not limit the ability for investors to choose their own path by using leveraged and inverse ETFs. It is one of the few ways that retail investors can easily and cost effectively access these strategies. It should be up to individual responsibility to learn about these investments instead of the government controlling the market.
Comments: I am not confused on these inverse and leveraged products. I know how they work and like trading them without having to worry about the risks about losing more on margin. It allows better participation from retail traders who are educated on the risks and rewards of these products.
No enhancements to current rules are required. It is the responsibility of the individual investor to educate him/her self on the advantages and disadvantages (AKA risks) of using these investment instruments. Claiming to be "confused" after incurring a loss is disingenuous and should not be considered a legitimate excuse unless the individual can prove that he/she was misled by an