An insurance agent is a salesperson who can help individuals and companies obtain life, health or property insurance policies and other insurance products including different types of annuities. Every state, along with the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, has an insurance commission that licenses insurance agents.
If you’re putting together a team of people to help you with your financial needs, you might want to consider adding an attorney to the mix. Not only can lawyers help investors resolve problems with their brokers, but they also can help with estate planning and other investment-related issues.
Financial planners can come from a variety of backgrounds and offer a variety of services. They might be brokers or investment advisers, insurance agents or practicing accountants—or they might have no financial credentials at all.
As you consider which types of financial professionals to work with, here’s what you need to know about accountants. Accountants are trained to provide professional assistance to individuals and companies in areas including tax and financial planning, tax reporting, auditing and management consulting.
From Monday, February 6, 2023, through Friday, February 24, 2023, the FINRA Test Facility (NTF) for TRACE Securitized Products was modified to limit trade retention to five rolling business days.
During this time, the NTF Trade Management Window allowed users to search and view trades reported to TRACE within the past rolling five business days (T-5) instead of the standard rolling T-20 business