Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. They help me to protect and hedge my investments or seek enhanced returns.
I plead to you on my behalf & on behalf of my family. I am a "small" account holder, for the past 10 years I trade "only" these leveraged ETF's & ETN's. I mastered my own system and this is my only income. If you regulate these investments to large accounts I will be cut out of my livelihood. Finding a new
Please let investor select their own choice. Let investor know the product information and the included risks
I do not support this proposal. This would severely limit my investing freedom.
I oppose limitations on my investments.
Please let investor select their own choice. Let investor know the product information and the included risks
Please stop deciding what is best for the individual investor. Let us choose.
Please let people make their own choices. If the funds are not illegal, consumers should be able to purchase for their own reasons. For me, it's part of a balanced strategy. It allows me to have a variety of different fund types, of which leveraged is just a small, but important portion.
It is not the role of regulators to allow what investors can or should invest in. Regulators should however look at conflicts of interest, such as congressmen and women trading individual stocks. Dont limit the options of everyday investors who are already at a disadvantage. Regulate the advantaged (make hedge funds report more information, ban individual stock trades for congress, etc.) and
I own an inverse fund that would be subject to the new FINRA 22-08 regulations if implemented. I object to those regulations. I fail to see why I or anyone else should have to jump throw new hoops to own any inverse fund. My reasons for owning it may be unorthodox I want to own something, less than 1% of my investments actually, that goes up when everything else crashes, so that I dont despair