I feel that regulators should not set rules for common folk to purchase certain stocks. it should be our right to purchase what we want without interference. Thank you
Comments: I don't believe FINRA should disallow "retail" investors all of the options that hedge funds and more experienced traders have access to. I think education is much more valuable than preventing people from having access to "complex products". My brokerage firm already provides warnings and information about investing in leveraged and inverse funds. It is in my
I fall into the category of investors which this regulatory notice is aiming to protect: I am a relatively young retail investor who has chosen to invest in complicated funds on a self direct brokerage. Therefore, I feel the need to discuss my experience with complex products.
I acknowledge that these funds are more complicated than conventional products. However, complication does not mean
Im a heavy investor in these funds and I would appreciate if you would leave things alone
Dislcosure, not further regulation should accomplish what FNRA is trying to accomplish.
Smaller investors should have the same opportunities to use leveraged funds as large investors and institutions.
Please consider this carefully when trying to protect you limit and reduce the ability to equal opportunities.
I dont see how this new regulation is necessary, since the stock market is open to the PUBLIC to invest. Then I believe it should only be right for the OURSELVES (the investors) to choose what should be right for us. I can see why this regulation can benefit a few people, but I dont understand why it would be necessary to enforce it onto everyone. Just like some people gets violated or insulted
Please do not restrict my access to L&I Funds or to disqualify you from trading L&I Funds or other "complex products".
I understand that these are for short-term active trading, and that they should be monitored regularly.
My brokerage firm already provides several warnings and requirements in connection with my investments in L&I Funds, and
We deserved the freedom to use our own brain and mind to pickup the investments we want purchase. The tings your guys planning to do is similar to the scandal Robinhood did during the GME and AMC trade, please stop to do it if you still want to hold credibility for FINRA.
I dont agree that FINRA should impose additional regulations for leveraged and inverse funds. Leveraged funds can be profitable in both bill and bear markets. Inverse investments protect investors from market downturns. They are an easy way for investors to lock in gains and/or reduce their exposure to market gyrations.
I am sure I personally can meet these regulations. However they will take