I would like to speak for all retail investors when I say the underhanded ways corporations are given to manipulate a stock are abhorrent. A pure disregard for what an "Open market" should be. I feel the only way the playing field can be leveled is to make all information available to us, and for entities such as yourselves to police matters harder with stiffer penalties. This is the
Eliminate dark pools Fines should be greater than the profit hedge made from the illegal activity Jail time is needed for market manipulation. Short positions should be forcibly closed out if illegal market manipulation is found and trading rights of those involved should be revoked. Shorting taking place in the dark pool needs to be disclosed to the public. If an institution buys shares in the
There should be more transparency in the stock market and fines for illegal activities that are actual of a significant magnitude.
The amount of naked shorting and failure to delivers in the market currently is absolutely unacceptable. Please make a change to the rules we're short positions and make it short positions have to be reported daily.
Is anything going on with regards to investigating ‘meme’ stocks AMC and GME? There is so much fraudulent manipulation of the stock prices I. A daily basis. I’ve seen this for months. I’m no expert but have educated myself to being able to read a stock chart and basic corresponding numbers. Daily - —ladder attacks - buy/sell of millions of shares, or continuous sell orders that are canceled
I strongly agree with proposed changes. We all want a fair market but it seems that big financial institutions and regulatory institutions are failing to provide that. First shorts should been reported daily. No dark pools since most of volume is trade there, and is not reflected on regular market. Fines should be increased to same amount that you obtained through illegal practices, because right
The new regulations are not doing anything to prevent the abuse of market manipulation. Why do you guys have Market Makers and Hedgefunds as the same entity? This only creates conflict of interest. Also, dark pool trading should be eliminated completely due to lack of transparency.
FINRA is about as effective as a mall cop, police but have no teeth. Fines companies millions for crimes that made them billions. 3 generations have been short sold down the river. We would not have as many poor folks or homeless if the hedge funds didn't short companies to BK. Dark Pool trading has allowed hedge funds to short well past being a market maker. One hedge fund donates 70
To Whom it May Concern, In a fair and open market there should be transparency and a level playing field for all investors. Right now, there is a massive deficit in access to information, trade speed, preferential terms and types of trades, and pay-to-play investing that heavily favors institutional investors over retail investors. Additionally, institutional investors engage in relationship-
Full transparency is what we need and no more honor system in regards to reporting. When it comes to practices that have the potential to upend the economic engine that runs our entire society, there should be no walls to hide behind. We are investors and we deserve to know what is happening to our investments.