All short positions, including naked short positions created as part of bona fide market making activities, should be created on a lit exchange and reported in their entirety. The term "bona fide market making activity" should be defined by the regulator very specifically. The purpose of creating a naked short position in market making is to give an IOU for that share, and then to
To Whom it May Concern, In a fair and open market there should be transparency and a level playing field for all investors. Right now, there is a massive deficit in access to information, trade speed, preferential terms and types of trades, and pay-to-play investing that heavily favors institutional investors over retail investors. Additionally, institutional investors engage in relationship-
Help to do something about the corruption going on at Citadel and the obvious market manipulation. You are a part of the problem, if you are not a part of the solution.
I think this whole world is based on lies , corruption and theft. This event with the stockmarket os just increasing our conviction that nobody cares for you, everything in this world is evil. This will hurt generations on the long term. People won t trust any institutions, not even their family at one point. Justice is blind!
Dark Pools are called that because they remove the transparency of the trade. This is an open market so there shouldn’t market activity that’s suddenly invisible to the rest of market traders. There should be full transparency about shares being bought and sold at market prices. For shares that are shorted and subsequently misreported the financial fines should be proportionate to the real value
Hedge funds should not have as much power as they do to control the markets there is absolutely nothing free and fair about the markets today and the sec need to do something about this to we need to start seeing jail time not theas fines that are chump change to the hedge funds its astonishing what they are allowed to get away with
"Synthetic Short Positions: In addition, FINRA is considering requiring firms to reflect synthetic short positions in short interest reports. For example, enhanced short interest reporting could include synthetic short positions achieved through the sale of a call option and purchase of a put option (where the options have the same strike price and expiration month) or through other
Every share needs to be tracked. Every share should easily be accounted for and able to be located. If we are going to allow for share lending then only allow for the share to be lent once. Every order should be delivered T+2. If a fTD occurs there needs to be a steep penalty/fine ex: 10x cost penalty. Every short position should be updated with FINRA daily. Self reporting is a joke and
As long as shares can be bought on pfof and routed through dark pools it is not reported to the NYSE so it does not count for the value of the stock.also with hedge funds borrowing and selling fake shares stock prices are manipulated
I think all of these should be implemented and enforced. The retail trader needs more transparency especially after the gamestop saga.