Retail investors need to have the right to invest and I oppose any restrictions on my right to invest. I completely understand the leveraged and inverse funds and their risk and are extremely important for my investment strategies, which I use for my portfolio. Any change made here on the right to invest is extremely concerning for me as a retail investor and I need these tools to use in future
I do not believe that I need any help selecting or de-selecting my personal investments. Nor does anyone else.
Investment criteria are personal choices and it is up to the individual to be responsible for gaining the information required to vet the products on offer and then determine for themselves whether these vehicles meet their criteria and in their best judgement serve their investment
As an individual investor I trade many different leveraged ETFs and am fully aware of the risks. I have been trading for 20 years and am well educated about the markets. I also am a member of several stock market investment clubs. Please leave things the way they are now. Everyone should have the opportunity to invest as they see fit and we are all aware of the risks of trading and the potential
I support the regulation. It is our civic responsibility to deter suicidal actions and for many self deemed investors this is exactly what these financial instruments afford. FINRA has been, and is doing, the right thing.
I strongly oppose any measures to restrict my ability to choose my investments. I don't need some nanny-state regulator telling me what I can or cannot do regarding my investments. I fully understand the risk of leveraged and inverse funds--probably better than most would-be regulators.
Inverse and leveraged ETFs are a great way to hedge. I am using one (SH) right now to hedge the downside of a professionally managed 60/40 portion of my portfolio. Please don't make it more difficult for me to manage my money.
I normally use the -1X to hedge. I use -2X or more only if I am convinced that I am directionally correct as they have considerable frictional costs. These
Please do not further regulate investments in leveraged ETF's as I find these to be useful investments on a periodic, short term basis. Thank you,
Government, including you, [REDACTED] more things than you correct. Get off our backs. If we lose money, it's on us. Stop with the regulation [REDACTED] because you will end up causing more harm than help.
I totally oppose regulations (restrictions) to my right to invest. It is my ability and education and experienced that guides me in my investment decision. If I make or lose money it is on me. My fault or my credit. That is the American way. I do not want to see regulators controlling my investments. For what purpose? To protect me? In America risk is rewarded and punished. That is the
I have been investor in leveraged index funds and find them very useful assets. It's necessary for having understanding of basics. it's not a gambling alternative and overregulation's will be hurtful.