It is more than obvious that several agencies are not complying with the rules for naked shorts and FTD's. Retail investors should have the same real time information as hedge funds to include short interest and real time trading.
As a retail investor, I would like to even the playing field with institutional investors by allowing us the same access to information that they have, especially regarding short positions. Also, in addition to that, I would like short positions to have to be reported daily by no later than 30min after closing bell. This is MORE than enough time for them to calculate their total shorts taken that
Haven't been investing very Long, but what I'm seeing seems like it's all in favor of the big company's and not for the individual investor. I like what you want to do with the rule changes, but talking about it, isn't good enough. NEED TO SEE ACTION, from all levels.
Data transparency is a must of having reliability, responsibility, and accountability within in financial industry. Without the full faith and trust in a fair system, myself and other investors would see no reason to put our hard earned money at risk to the "Wall Street Boys Club". As such, all information about short sale positions, short interest, etc. must be publicly and freely
To whom it may concern: It is my understanding FINRA is looking for comments on 21-19, regarding short posions. I think it is very clear that the current US market is full of nothing but fraud, with the regulatory agencies being complicit. They are complicit through their complacency, with years of unchecked fraud and market manipulaon through naked short selling by large hedgefunds like Citadel
In a fair and open market there should be transparency and a level playing field for all investors; be they retail or institutional. The number of shares shorted should be available IN REAL TIME throughout the trading day. Dark pool trading must be eliminated. We can clearly see that large institutions are buying massive quantities of AMC stock (for example) on the dark pool and then flooding the
Every share should be tracked in a live public database with a unique identifier. Every share should be located and lent only once. Every order should be delivered T+2 or fails to deliver are actually costly penalties along the lines of 10x cost penalty. Every short position should be updated with FINRA daily.
All short positions should be reported on. #duh
Things FINRA should implement: 1. Automated daily reporting of short positions 2. Automated daily reporting of all trading in Dark Pools 3. Automated daily reporting of synthetic shares/naked shorting 4. FTD should be delivered T+2, no exceptions. 5. All data accessible to the public in real time. 6. Force all Market Makers to give retail investors routing options on trades. (option to have your
I personally believe that short interest data should be available live without any delays (i.e. T+2 settlement) and that ALL short interest data must be reported across the board. Additionally I believe that fines for illicit practices should be equal to no less than the profit of the particular trade PLUS an additional 10% in order to discourage the practice from happening again.