I am an advanced investor, and understand the risks with my covered call option contracts. I also believe that many beginning investors need a base of index funds, particularly a low-cost target date fund.
If these were to be eliminated, this would seriously hamper our freedom to invest in what we want. Government oversight should be minimal, and to allow the invisible hand to be unhindered.
Please allow to continue BITO
Please do not restrict my right to invest in ANY kind of security. I am not a child and can decide how, where, when and what to invest in without the government telling me what to do.
Any additional work/process that you impose on me in order to invest in leveraged security is not welcome.
I worked hard for everything I have. I do not need some governing body deciding how much money I can make in my investment accounts. Free enterprise and hard work should be what decides how much investment money you make. Stay out of my accounts.
I do not think that their should be any restrictions on people being able to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. They can be a good hedge and a good way for people to make money in the markets. This is a free country and people should be allowed to invest in all of the different opportunities that are out there. It is bad enough that only the ultra wealthy (accredited investors) are allowed to
I believe its governments business to stay out of my business. People who know how to invest should not be hampered with. I oppose FINRAs authority to regulate my investment decisions. I've invested in public securities in the past and don't believe I have to go through a process or test to be approved to invest or day trade.
I oppose further regulations on private individual investors.
Options and margins are the only products to purchase if cancel the leverage etf. Leverage eft is more safety compare to margins and option because you at least can hold the stocks
Regulating this type of investment is an infringement upon the individuals ability to invest how they see fit. Americans already surrender a portion of their pay to fund a badly run retirement fund Social Security. As money has been deemed speech when it comes to campaign contributions, this appears a violation of ones personal speech in determining how they best see fit how to invest. I believe
Don't you dare. Keeping people out of opportunity will have radically negative effects. Its not fair or American in any way to restrict the public from obtaining assets they believe in. You can't keep pushing people so far, eventually violent protests or extreme action will occur.