This preposterous regulatory proposal is infuriatingly ill-conceived. It's both insulting to my decades of investing knowledge, and detrimental to my investment strategy. The notion that FINRA will categorically restrict my financial freedoms, especially given my successful use of leveraged investment products for over a decade, smacks of naivete, and a completely wrong-headed
I strongly oppose taking away retail traders’ right from trading complex products. This is unconstitutional and unfair as it only allows the rich to invest. The right and privilege to freely invest one’s own money on any products should be for all and not just the privileged.
I want to keep my freedom.
Please, dont change regulations on our investments. I fear any government changes as in general they hurt small investors with undue new regulations in an effort to grab dollars from earnings!
I can make my own investment choices and don't need the government to tell me what I can and cannot do. The public is quite tired of Gov't interference. Every American should have the same investment choices across the board and not only available to the privileged. Also, I am perfectly capable of understanding inverse and leveraged ETFs and your assumption or implication that
I am highly concerned about FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08 because it could negatively impact the time and effort I have put into managed my leveraged portfolio. By imposing rules that restrict the freedom of my financial decisions, the regulation will make generalizations about who is sufficiently knowledgeable about leveraged products to use them properly. Adding special hoops to jump through
We should have the right to invest in public securities without having to go through any time of special processing such as; fees, taxes, testing, or cronyism.
We should be able to choose any public investments that be want to.
Thank you for listening to me.
I am quite capable of deciding what public offerings to invest in, and how much to invest, without the oversight of paternalistic regulators. Keep your hands off the investors. If something is "complex," the offering may require oversight, but n e v e r the investor.
Why would you handicap small investors by limiting tools we need to invest and build wealth. We need the inverse and leverage funds