It is imperative that everyone be able to invest and make their own decisions. I totally disagree with this proposed rule and everyone I know that invest in their future feels the same way and will never go along with this !
I need my right to invest in leveraged funds
I believe in Choice of The People. Maybe it would be better to have more citizens and people who can be a participant in how it is tracked for themselves.
Gonna happen eventually anyways, why prolong the British agony.
I stand for US! Choice+
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family.
. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, including cryptocurrency fund as BITO..
This is wrong to add more barriers to most Americans while letting the rich and established be the only ones let into a room. If an investment vehicle needs to be restricted to some then it should be removed for all. Conversely if it is open for some it should be open to all.
Violating my right to invest violates my freedom of speech. Further regulations will be what continues to divide the rich from the poor. cancel this immediately.
I strongly believe that the current requirements in place for trading leveraged and inverse ETFs are sufficient for investor protection. Please do not restrict access to trading these, because that would severely limit investment opportunities in these popular instruments. Instead, I would recommend that brokers be urged to provide additional education on both risks and benefits if these
As a regular citizen investing, I understand that investments carry risk. The argument for restricting inverse and leveraged funds is probably to reduce my risk, but if you reduce all my risk down to nothing, what's the point? I might as well put all my money in a savings account. Please let me continue to make my own choices.
Government needs to leave the people alone as it was intended
At our founding. No unnecessary regulations.