More transparency on short sales is for the greater good of markets. If a couple retail investors can run up a dead company like GameStop, just imagine what these large dollar firms are capable of doing to manipulate the markets without their buddies help. Then imagine a handful of these firms acting together for the same greater purpose.
In a fair and open market there should be transparency and a level playing field for all investors; be they retail or institutional. The # of shares shorted should be available IN REAL TIME throughout the trading day. Dark pool trading must be eliminated. We can clearly see that large institutions are buying massive quantities of AMC/GME stock (for example) on the dark pool and then flooding the
Regulation is much needed to make the short market transparent
More frequent reporting of short positions, eg weekly. Positions, trade date (open), trade date (closed), holder. Optional price and positions without showing holder.
Make SI private and only for the purpose of enduring that shares held short are not greater than the float. Investors are tired of the memesters manipulating markets trying to force shorts to cover/margin calls.
Transparency is essential to our “free” markets and recently implemented rules & regulations mean NOTHING without enforcement. I am sickened by the lack of accountability of our government officials and how naked short-selling and other egregious behaviors have continued for far too long by Hedge Fund institutions with ZERO considerations “paid” to retail investors.
In a fair and open market there should be transparency and a level playing field for all investors; be they retail or institutional. The # of shares shorted should be available IN REAL TIME throughout the trading day. Dark pool trading must be eliminated. We can clearly see that large institutions are buying massive quantities of AMC stock (for example) on the dark pool and then flooding the
Naked short selling and the black market should be illegal. Every share should have a specific number assigned, tracked and allocated for daily. Each share should only be borrowed for a short position one time, using the specific number assigned. Once the borrower share is returned, only then can it be used again. Short positions should never exceed the actual number of shares that exist for any
I believe a more transparent form and frequency of short position reporting would be very beneficial to the stock market and retail investors specifically based on increased trust in the institution as a whole.
I lost over $100,000. To stock symbol GTEH because of the tremendous amount of short selling mostly by some market maker called CDEL out of Chicago. The CEO of GTEH has grossly diluted the GTEH stock. Can you please research this and put an end to it on behalf of the 1000 s of GTEH Shareholders, we collectively have lost over 90% .