This follow-up to the September 2021 targeted exam (sweep) of firms’ practices related to their acquisition of customers through social media channels and their sharing of customers’ usage information with affiliates and non-affiliated third parties summarizes selected practices FINRA has observed firms implement to this point in the sweep.
Effective December 31, 2007, new NASD Rule 1160 (Contact Information Requirements) streamlines the review and verification of contact information and eliminates the requirement that member firms review and update certain designated contact information on a quarterly basis. The new rule requires firms to update designated contact information promptly upon any material change, verify such information annually and comply promptly with any request for such information.
FINRA has multiple committees that facilitate effective engagement with its member firms and representatives of the public regarding regulatory and policy initiatives related to FINRA’s mission of promoting market integrity and investor protection in a manner that facilitates vibrant capital markets. The purpose of this Notice is to:
encourage member firms and other interested parties
Frequently asked questions regarding Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and FINRA Rule 4370.
For more than a decade, FINRA has hosted the Diversity Leadership Summit, an event that brings together diversity practitioners and industry leaders to share innovative ideas and effective practices to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.