Naked shorting is illegal. HAH. If only these rules were enforced. If only infinite loopholes didn't exist.
To whom it may concern: Regarding FINRA regulatory Notice 21-19 Many of us are concerned. The Citizens of The United States of America are demanding full transparency regarding Short Sale Reporting, as well as full accountability regarding Failure to Delivers. The World is watching and the integrity of our stock market is at stake. We demand full transparency/accountability. Thank you for your
As an investor in our countries “fair & free” stock market the suspicious activity surrounding a few stocks has made myself (and millions of other investors) quite skeptical on the integrity and fairness of the US stock market. The world is watching to see what happens as greedy hedge funds with billions of dollars tinker around with the market with shady (even illegal) tactics that could
Please just do your job. All we want is a fair market. These hedge funds break the rules and nothing is done. We need transparency. We need our governing bodies to actually enforce the rules. We need to be protected or everyone near and far is going to pull their money out of the US market.
Dark pool shouldn't be used to manipulate the share price. There also should be a limit of how much the hedgefunds can put in there. When dark pool is being used illegally. Not the way it was intende, there should be severe fines and punishments. Imagine of everyday people could manipulate and cheat every day would be chaos. They get to do all these tricks to get out of being
I would want all the of these actions implemented and a DAILY accounting of it in both graphing and table form made available for public consumption. I believe that short positions are a part of the market's functionality. However, only 1 level. That is, a true 1-to-1 correspondence of short to stock share. The delivery date MUST be cut down to 1 day without a 'kick-the-can' down
Please increase market transparency through these proposed changes. Retail traders have a disadvantage because we have no access to these types of real-time data. We deserve to have accurate access to this data in a timely manner when we are investing, not weeks later. Perhaps, these changes will begin to level the playing field and allow retail traders begin to have faith that the goal is to
Let me begin by stating I believe the apparent inability to administer existent provisions regarding shorting and naked shorting demonstrates a gaping hole in the system. FINRA and all related regulatory bodies have ignored the scams played by the hedge funds in hiding their activities as well as permitting a hedge fund to be the major market maker in a security they intend to pummel and drive
Something should be in place where if you buy in dark pools you cannot sell the shares in open market to drop the price.
First I would like you to read this thread: I believe that institutions are hiding the true number of short positions on certain stocks, that they are doing this using rehypothication, dark pools, and shady (fraudulent?) use of puts and calls. I ask that FINRA consider the following changes: 1.