Do not stop BITO or any other cryptocurrency investment.
Hello, I very strongly oppose any restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me, and the risk that I take on - and I am comfortable with the level of risk that comes with investing in cryptocurrency funds. I am an experienced female investor with a diversified portfolio and cryptocurrency funds are an important piece of
I have been investing for many years and dont need to be locked out of risky investments like a child
I oppose limitations on my investments!!
Comments: I strongly feel that the proposal to limit access to Inverse and leveraged ETFs is ill advised. The investors (like me) who understand how these ETFs work and understand the risk, should be allowed to invest and benefit. Personally I review my investments on daily basis. The risk of investing in certain volatile individual stocks is lot more than investing Inverse and leveraged ETFs.
Comments:leave well enough along
Comments: I'm an independent trader with about 3 years experience and as a trader or investor it's your job to educate yourself on the products/equities that you're using and it IS NOT THE JOB OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ANY AGENCY TO PROTECT PEOPLE FROM THEMSELVES. these products are what I use to make money in the market I watch the NYFANG and ICESEMI and the underlying names thereof
Comments: I am a long time investor of L&I products. For 20 years I have used these products to successfully grow my portfolio. In 2008, after having done extensive research on the impending undermining of off balance sheet investments done by banks with mortgage securities, I successfully grew my portfolio, in spite of the professional advice given by traditional brokers. I specifically