Hello, Thank you for opening this to comment. My only comment is that I second all of the comments regarding our markets being rigged. Please listen to retail, because without us (and we’re rapidly losing faith), even Citadel won’t be able to make markets. Be on the right side of history and protect our markets from not only 100%+ short positions, but more importantly, off-exchange trading via
We the people, the average retail investor, have been shunned away from valid information that is essential to our growth within the market. We deserve TRANSPERANCEY AND EQUALITY, why doesnt the average retail investor recieve the same information the same day as these hedge fund coporations. ITS ABSOLUTE UNFAIR to us, and gives the little guys less of advantage to grow. WE DESERVE CHANGE!
I am invested in many stocks that I feel have naked shorts in them. I strongly suspect that I even own some in $AMC. I do not feel the market is fair if this is allowed to happen. It gives already very rich entities an extremely unfair advantage in trading. I would feel a lot better about investing more money in the market if I knew that criminals were not just fined, but held accountable in ways
Could we also make brokers/dealers notify their customers when their shares get shorted? Alternative, they could provide a disclaimer that such shares may be shorted and provide an option to opt out.
All positions should be reported and transparent, otherwise nefarious intent and actions are more likely to happen with those which are not required. History is a prime example of this. Expose the shorts, and enforce guild lines and regulations regarding covering positions of said shorts. end the farce. Stop manipulation of the markets, and route transactions to LIT Markets.
Regarding AMC class A. If retail owns the majority of the float how is this stock being manipulated unless it’s with synthetic shares. How does one even create such a thing. We need transparency in the market. This needs to investigated.
Naked shorts need addressed. The system is corrupt.
All things AMC and their short positions. That simple. Please. For the sake of our rights as citizens - there is blatant corruption and cheating going on here that is not being enforced. This is about right vs wrong.
We want transparency in a free and open market. Why do shorts not have to report? We want short interest position reporting enhancements! Please
Good day, In response to your request, I know a small part of the issue is the shorting problem of stocks. While I support more immediate reporting requirements the issue is naked shorting as well as mislabeling the short as Long's, using the dark market to manipulate the pricing of stocks, Synthetic shares being created for price manipulation, and other shorting issues being used by market