Yes, please impose mandatory reporting on short sale positions in real time. The short sellers have real time data of the shorts sold, that information should be public and current. There is no free market without a transparent market.
Please enforce or change rules for short selling
I have held stock in both GME and AMC since January. I watched as the GME stock was manipulated by several Brokers when they all removed/limited retail investors ability to purchase stock but allowed selling. This resulted in a " Flash Crash" of GME price. Since then we have watched Companies use shorts/naked shorts to manipulate the price of both AMC and GME. There seems to be a
Transparency and fairness for all investors is all anyone wants. What has been happening over the last 6 months in certain stocks is unbelievable. Hedge funds need/must be held responsible for their actions when it come to FTD's naked shorting, etc. just the same as retail traders must follow the rules set forth by the governing body. Please this is huge for the US trading markets and will
I believe every share should be accounted for no blank IOU’s or kicking the can down the road on failure to delivers I believe if you don’t act on this you’ll see a mass of people that will not ever trust the bodies that bee.
I appreciate many of the actions that are listed. Requiring funds to post their short positions (whether synthetic or other) should absolutely be mandatory. The lack of transparency only creates opportunities for these funds to create illusionary positions and to skirt regulatory requirements. The greater the transparency these funds are required to maintain the greater the benefit to both
Hello, I would like more transparency when it comes to reporting short interest. Right now short interest doesn’t account for naked shorting which is illegal but still being done and the data’s does not always reflect the current state. Every platform charge a subscription fee in order to view short interest which should be available just like every other data. Short interest from ortex, fintel,
We want a fair market with clear short interest reporting. Stop the manipulation. We want fair market please.
Lets make the market fair for everyone, how long will this corruption be allowed. Giving that the government stands to make billions in taxes off retail, protect us so the money can flow.
There is absolutely a need for full disclosure of short interest reporting and regulation of stocks being subjected to naked short selling. As a US retail investor I have learned about the politics and fundamentals of shorting a stock to the point of placing our American companies out of business through the meme stock movement. Sadly, I am now scarred from the complete corruption that has been