We want more frequent public reporting of short positions and more detail in public reports. The entire market is rigged. Authorities are not doing their job. The public think they are on the side of the hedge funds who have created all these problems and taken advantage of this broken system for decades.
Short positions need to be clearly marked as short and need to be closed within 15 days of initial position. FTDs. should be closed within 15 days.
We need more transparency in the market! No more dark pools. accurate information for everyone including three retail investor. We also need sailors to delivers to happen sooner. We need to crack down on synthetic shorts and unreported information (make the fines bigger) it’s like fraud!
The reporting requirements of short interest and short positions has long been due for reform. Running rampant in the market has been illegal market manipulation of stock prices utilizing failures of short reporting, specifically regarding short-exempt shares, naked short-selling, short positions being reported as long positions, hiding failure-to-delivers inside of far out-of-the-money puts/
I feel that the current system of allowing Hedge funds, and wealthy investors to run rampant on Wall Street shorting stocks into oblivion only to slight the retail investor. Overleveraging themselves into positions based on pride and ego and then expecting the American Taxpayer to foot the bill when they go bankrupt and lose people's retirement and 401k is absolutely appalling. Selling
While appreciative of the gesture, there must be action behind it. We are in a new era of retail investing and the rules still favor the Goliath's of wall street. Complete transparency and equality in the reporting of data must be enforced. Retail should have the same access to information, data and tools that hedge funds and market makers have access to. More importantly, ACCOUNTABILITY for
I would like more transparency in regards to short interest and naked shorting of stocks. Trading is rigged against retail investors and all I want to see is a level playing field. Thank you.
We want transparency and no dark pools
It is my opinion that short sales and short interest should be reported at end of trading day and not delayed by 14 days.
I believe this is a great idea to add transparency to the market place, and to add more TRUST to the market as well.