I strongly oppose limiting our ability to invest in instruments of our choosing, just as you oppose us limiting your ability to invest in instruments you an privy information about.
I should have the freedom to invest in what ever I want with my money. I use crypto as a small portion of risk that I take.
I believe my rights are being stolen! I should be the one who decides where and what I buy with MY OWN HARD EARNED MONEY! My investments choices are MINE. If a security is a PUBLIC Security - then WHY do we have regulators getting involved?
Market are only efficient when investors have the choices and the ability to invest in all asset classes. Limiting individual choices on major asset classes would only make the capital markets more risky and encourage individual to take on riskier positions.
As per the regulations i think bito share are invest able, we do understand the risk behind the share and we think it should not be stop for trading. As a owner of bito I stick by not supporting any restrictions on trade on bito share
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public,not just the privileged.
Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I have a right to invest as I wish...
The government has enough problems without babysitting investors.