I agree with everything there 100% needs to be more transparency in the stock market. I believe reporting should be done daily so that it will be harder for someone to try and hide or fake their positions since they won't have time. With all the money they make and High Frequency Trading these firms do they have no reason to say reporting daily is too hard or impossible. I also recommend
The current price manipulation with AMC/GME et al has exposed the stock market corruption. All reporting agencies and SEC rules don’t make a difference in protecting the big money from the everyday average trader. It seems to me that the rules only apply to the small investor and protect big money instead. It’s all an incestuous relationship between the SEC, FINRA, DTCC and the like and the big
We should be able to know what goes on in this insider trading with the but money. The stuff that goes in dark pools as well. All information should be accesible . How is this fair to the retail investor? Just Bc I have a certain amount of money or no money I’m robbed of what I work hard for and it’s never a fair game .
Funds need to report when they are short. Daily weekly monthly I do not care but it must be reported. If long positions and options need to be reported short positions should too. Beyond that any other positions should be reported. It is crazy what we all the rich elite to get away with. They make the rules and police themselves. So unfair, hence why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
While these increased reporting requirements around the currently broadly abused short selling practices in the stock market (including naked shorting, mis-reporting longs as shorts, re-hypothecated shares, married puts/calls, and fails to deliver) are a step in the right direction, the proposed changes do not go far enough to provide transparency and fairness to the public. Please consider
All short positions should be transparent and recorded daily. https://www.sec.gov/rules/petitions/2020/petn4-758.pdf February 12, 2020 Vanessa Countryman Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, NE Washington, DC 20549-1090 Re: Petition for Rulemaking on Short and Distort Dear Ms. Countryman: Petitioners signed below respectfully submit this petition for rulemaking pursuant
You should not be able to sell something you don’t own. If borrowed; must have in possession and not “ we can get them later”. Also fail to delivers must be covered in a shorter timeframe. Honestly there should not be any fails to deliver. Short information should be readily available and not 2 days out. After the fact.
More frequent public reporting of short positions and more detail in public reports is needed.
They are openly driving the AMC stock price down. Whole world this AMC stock manipulation happening in open view. This is pure stock manipulation and cheating happening. All the buys are going through a dark pool and no price reflection happening. Please serve the Justice we are bleeding in losses.
Please shows short-sell study in chart like green and red candle bars for inflow and outflow add another color bars for short-sell and covered shorts in real-time. Including dark-pool buy and sell.