Hedge funds selling synthetic shares should be scrutinized and rules should be such that the naked shorting or synthetic shares should be made unavailable.
To whom it may concern, I feel that things could go better if rules which are passed are enforced. Shorts and naked shorts should be closed and not covered because they(hedge funds with short positions) just use illegal ways for covering. Using the rules to over manipulate a stock (AMC, GME) isn't fair market and harsher punishment should be the consequences. Jail time, fines which start in
Quite simply: Laws are created and should be enforced. However, as we can see these consumer protections are not protecting consumers. Violators have little oversight and minimal fees. Allowing transparency allows the market participants to voice their concerns over illegal practices taking place which creates accountability. Market participants can live with a loss, they can not live when they
We have all seen and currently see the manipulation going on today. We, the people, need TRANSPARENCY in the market. What you have been doing obviously does not solve the situation. Fines are not enough as a consequence. I would like to see all short interest updated daily and data on dark pools need to be opened to public observation. Thank you for your time
You want the people to trust the government and believe that they have the peoples best interest, then do something about all the illegal stuff Wallstreet and hedge funds do. Stop the massive amounts of shorts they have. Stop them from shorting a company out of business. Do something about all the FTD'S. Really Stop the short ladder attacks that they use to deliberately drive the price down
Make the market fair again. The market right now is for the rich, for the 1%. How does it suit together with the american values, like same opportunities for everyone, american dream. Many small people could change their life at the markets, but right now they just get molested and stolen from. The people are losing trust in your market from day to day more. MAKE SHORTS OBLIGATORY TO REPORT AND
This really sounds like it will do nothing. This comment period is insulting, as if you don’t know what retail wants. Transparency and actually enforce the “rules” you have, which seem more like guidelines. Rule breakers make a billion and get fined a million, how does this help?
Retail is the backbone of the economy. We're always given the worst odds and being beaten down. With that they're beating down the US and world economy. It is the responsibility of those in power to make a change to level the playing field. If you raise up retail, we'll raise up the economy. Short sellers are killing jobs, robbing peoples futures and killing the economy so they can
Yes please, it will make trading more fair.
Hi I believe that short selling of any kind is bad, while showing more data is a positive step. Shorting still has too much scope for bad practice. There’s a conflict of interests as soon as a party shorts a company. Too many of the main players in today’s market have ties in all areas of the market. Allowing them to manipulate and drive theses companies further down to there benefit. I could