I strongly oppose my right to invest. I oppose having to pass a regulator-imposed test of your specialized investment knowledge. I oppose having to demonstrate a high net worth in order to invest. I oppose getting special approval from a broker.
I am a small investors who does all research about investments I want to make. Crypto type investments are of interest to me and I want to decide whether to make these types of investments. I do NOT believe there is a need for restrictions - I can do my own research.
It is invaluable that you continue to allow access to asset trading of crypto currency futures etfs and frankly any asset available to professional traders. By restricting trading of these assets to high net worth individuals you continue to promote a society where the wealthy have more opportunities for wealth growth than the average person. You may deem that it's better for average
Get Government [REDACTED] out of our lives. You have no need to regulate investments as I have tried a case under finra and it is worthless and does not protect the small investor only its members.
Im asking the SEC as I do have a right of freedom to invest in crypto currency as much as I want and they do not have the right to put any kind of regulation into it. I vote against that SEC rule #S7-24-15 I oppose restrictions to my right to invest
I am a shareholder in BITO. It has reached out to all shareholders to submit public comments and provided advice on what to say. In my view this is inappropriate and Im disappointed that a fund I invested in is wasting shareholder money this way. I encourage FINRA to regulate cryptocurrency in any manner its professionals deem fit. I trust FINRA to look out for my interests as a small shareholder
I'm writing because I'm invested in funds such as BITO. It has come to my attention that FINRA wants to regulate these in such a way that investors are required to become accredited, pass tests, get special approval, cooling off periods, etc. I disagree with this and believe anyone should be allowed to invest in public securities with their own money, without government scrutiny. Laws
We must retain the ability to invest in a wide variety of investment products including those based on the crypto industry.
As a 'retail investor' I support these measures. I have investments with professional financial advisors/brokers as well as my own self guided investments. I can honestly say if I were to get into complex products such as options, leveraged funds, etc I would not understand the true risks I was taking. I trust my financial advisor/broker to understand and manage these risks, so I would