SSR does nothing but give the illusion of short restrictions, most shorting is coming from computers that manipulate the only on an up stick rule . I’ve watched multiple stocks get manipulated and shorted while on SSR . SSR is considered a joke by most small traders . It doesn’t work 90 % of the time if at all. Shorts still short all day everyday , even during SSR .
We need daily public reporting of short interest and more detail in public reports. End the abuse of the market makers and hedge funds.
Hi there, well to be honest even if we let you know what we have to say isnt like anything will change. Just look at how long HFs and MMs have had to not only make big gains but also manipulate and aren't doing the right thing. But neither is anyone in power. Not the president politicians mms the sec and all ppl in gov't. Its been 6 months and all the bs is still going on. More
I would like to see a more transparent market with instant short position reporting to the general public. I would also like to see instant reporting of any failure-to-delivers. I would like to know the volume from each market even the dark pools to understand the price change. I think this information should be public to any retail investor instantly and easily with no delays. I believe this
Rule 1. All short sale shall be reported to FINRA by end of each settlement day. Rule 2. FINRA shall make public report the day to day short sale by end of settlement day or the trading week. Rule 3. All unused loaned shares shall be reported to FINRA by end of settlement day. Rule 4. FINRA shall make public the outstanding unused loaned share by end of settlement day of a trading week. Rule 5.
Rule 1. All short sale shall be reported to finra by end of each settlement day. Rule 2. Finra shall make public report the day to day short sale by end of settlement day of the trading week. Rule 3. All unused loaned shares shall be reported to finra by end of settlement day. Rule 4. Finra shall make public the outstanding unused loaned share by end of settlement day of a trading week. Rule 5.
I think these rules need to apply the short sale reporting. The current system is rigged and Hedge Fund is taking advantage of it greatly. Rule 1. All short sale shall be reported to finra by end of each settlement day. Rule 2. Finra shall make public report the day to day short sale by end of settlement day or the trading week. Rule 3. All unused loaned shares shall be reported to finra by end
Do something about the naked shorts!!! It's illegal!! And why do they just pay a fine? they should be paying the retail investors!!! Us retail investors are tired of this corruption and manipulation! They should pay those FTDs!!
How can the hedge funds/MMs continue to illegally push the share price down using fake shares in dark pools outside the eye of the public and then kick the interest can it costs to do that down the road indefinately? Retail investors are getting screwed over by hedge funds at every turn and SEC is allowing the illegal manipulation to happen. What good is interest if it never gets paid? The US
Quit letting them cheat the market, stop allowing naked shorting and then pretending you have no idea that it’s happening. The world is watching... stop giving the advantage to the Hedgefunds, you guys are running this shit like the gaming authority and you oversee the casinos. We pay you. The market is Trash. #AMC-We’re Not Leaving. Citadel has farrrr to much influence, stop allowing lobbying.