Comments:In a capitalst society such as ours, I see no reason to regulate leveraged & inverse ETF's. They are simpler than shorting stocks or using put's & calls. I have found that they correlate to their 1X base very close. Their usually is no limitations even in a retirement account. Please, please we don't need this senseless regualation. Thank you, Roger Smith
Comments: I believe that access to complex investment products should be accessible to all who want access to such things. Brokers may want to limit access or provide clear warnings of involved risks for such instruments, as some infact do already. Novice investors, or anyone who doesn't understand the risks involved would likely be deterred from risky investment decisions if access to risky
Comments: As a retired Registered Investment Advisor of 38 years without a single complaint, I highly recommend you NOT change investor's access or ability to trade complex products, including and especially leveraged and inverse ETFs. Retail investor's net purchases of such leveraged ETFs have been rising steadily over the past few years, with the 10-day rolling sum recently exceeding
Comments:I consider retail investors should be given equal opportunity to use Leverage and Inverse funds and ETF. I fully understand the nature and risk associated with this products and that they are not intended for long time investment, as such they must be monitored frequently. Also my broker advice and warns before placing every trade of the risk associated by using this funds and ETFs. I
Comments: Making it harder for me to invest in ETFs is not good. However, tightening ropes around the big boys might be needed to spare over inflated prices and volumes.
Comments: Please do not modify rules related to leveraged ETFs. I personally understand the risks of leveraged ETFs, but at the same time the value. I use leveraged ETFs to enhance my portfolio returns. I also recognize that these products may result in larger than average swings in valuation. However, if you look at a long-term strategy of using leveraged ETFs, you will recognize that these
Comments: My name is Maurice Edwards, and I have been using L&I investment vehicles (as well as other complex products like options) for many years and I don't want my financial opportunities to be regulated away. I spent the time picking up the knowledge and experience to use these assets, and after all that my outcomes are to my liking. My brokerage provides free and high quality
I find trading leveraged etfs very easy and it is not confusing at all. Please do not change the way leveraged etfs are bought and sold and don't make it any "safer" by including more steps. Thank you. Larry Warshauer
Comments: Limiting access to leveraged and inverse ETF's does not fit into the framework of "free and open markets". Most investors who use these ETF's have a sophisticated understanding of equity and fixed income investing and use these instruments as part of their comprehensive investment strategy. These types of ETF's are great tools for investors. Limiting access will
do not limit access to to leveraged and inverse etfs....they are good for protection/hedging.