Comments: leveraged products should not be restricted to individual investors as they are one of many tools that can be used successfully in a portfolio. As with anything, and any investment, it is up to the investor to make their own decisions and to do the research. There should be no difference in penny stocks versus leveraged funds versus legacy core stocks versus new stocks that hit an
Comments: I'm a Fidelity customer who has used Direxion products for years and I have to qualify through Fidelity so as to be able to buy / sell said products. I think that Direxions products are straightforward enough so as to be safe enough for the average investor to use and access to same should remain an investing optiuon.
Comments: I've been using Leveraged and Inverse ETFs for a few years now. While there are risks involved, there are risks with investing with Non-Leveraged and Non-Inverse ETFs, and with stocks. Accepting risks is part of investing. Limiting what I can invest in would do more harm than good and limit opportunities in the market. I don't want to see access limited to Leveraged and
Comments: i understand that leveraged products are for short term trading and have increased volatility. If used correctly within a portfolio they can actually reduce risk. Limiting access to these products would damage my ability to create a well doversified portfolio
Comments:Please allow an individual to make his or her own choices. The risk I take are mine, and mine alone. I rely on the SEC to keep thing honest, and to make sure people are informed. I have gained a great deal by employing higher risk index funds, and wish to continue. Thanks
Comments: The problem is not the product, it is the breadth of knowledge of the solicitor. FINRA enforcement of the solicitor is more important and a better use of time and resources than restricting use of the product. There is no more complex product than indexed annuities and its numerous moving parts, possibly the most oversold by the most uninformed of all products available to the consumer
Comments: I would like full access to ETFs
I strongly disagree with making it harder to trade complex products, specifically leveraged and inverse funds. If I had to meet similar qualifications and go through much the same processes required for margin and options, then I would be tempted to simply go ahead and sign up for those as well or instead, which would expose me to dramatically higher risks than any ETF. It's quite likely
Comments: The removal or increasing the difficulty to of access to these leveraged funds from small traders would in effect force traders into areas which are also very risky? These leverage and inverse funds give great flexibility to hedge ones positions against a portfolio disaster. Self directing ones funds should be an exercise in risk management not risk taking. Thank you
Comments: Do not change anything!