I am generally of the opinion that leveraged ETFs, like Options, are not appropriate for most investors. While I would support these being available in accounts marked "Aggressive Growth" or "Trading" for account objective, their inclusion in retirement account like IRAs should be restricted due to the extreme potential for volatility. I am also of the opinion that these
Comments: There is absolutely no confusion on those products. People who are investing in those instruments should know. The ones who don't but still play it's their own responsability, not worse for them to play in a casino or play lottery. But that is certainly not the business of FINRA.
Comments: Don't limit investor choices, there are enough safeguards in place already.
Comments: Please continue to allow me access to these products such as inverse EFT's. The companies providing them have given adequate information, and I further can look up information if needed. I understand they have additional risk, however I would like to take that risk for myself and should have to right to do so. Having these products to chose from helps me to balance my portfolio to
Comments:It is my considered opinion that leveraged and inverse etfs are fine. There are many trading and investment vehicles that I do not fully understand and therefore avoid. I do not believe that because I don't understand them that they should be eliminated ! I you want to protect the great unwashed I think you could start with online gambling.
Comments:I think FINRA should leave it alone and let investors decide for themselves.
Comments: I STRONGLY urge FINRA to continue to allow investors and professional advisors to recommend and to be able to purchase for clients Leveraged and Inverse ETFs and all currently existing complex products of that type. To NOT allow these products causes more HARM than benefit to clients and investors as it removes options that currently exist. There are very few options that the retail
Comments:Why do you propose new rules when these are just fine? They give access to profits, previously only available in much higher risk commodity futures trading. Do you propose to limit that too? The risk and rewards are made abundantly clear, as they are stated in the prospectus. Just leave well enough alone. Ty.
Comments:I am an educated investor and encourage the use of leveraged and inverse ETFs to remain in place
Comments: More nanny state dumbing down of the general population. I'm fully aware of the nature and volatility of leveraged ETFs. That they are not typically a buy, hold, and forget about type of vehicle for most people. So what? Disclose that on the front end and let people elect the level of risk tolerance with which they are comfortable.