There is so many practices they hinder or handicap the retail investors. I desperately ask for investigation and immediate remedy of the current unbalanced and corrupt investing atmosphere.
Digital data doesn't require days to locate. Short interest and FTD data is able to and should be reported daily. The varying T+ cycles have proven to work in the favor of Funds that make their money shorting companies out of existence, by allowing them to be wildly over-leveraged in their positions and also creating opportunity to take advantage of methods like naked short selling. If the
Further reporting should be required for short positions and failure to delivers
There must be transparency to eliminate illegal activity. These submitted changes would create a fair market rather than one as it's currently in place which gives institutions and brokers leverage over the retail investor and allows for underhanded tactics to manipulate the market.
We, the retail investor, need current and up to date, daily information. We, the retail investor, require fairness and equality in making good decisions concerning the investments we choose. With current and up to date daily information, lets us make better financial decisions.
Please watch this:
Short selling, as a tool was intended to hit back at corporations that were found to be cooking the books. Unfortunately, today it is a tool with nefarious intention with no regard for the impact it might have have on an otherwise good company, it's entire employee base and downstream jobs it involves itself in. As one who has managed portfolios and also invests privately it has never been
Improving the amount, quality, and timeliness of publicly available data from financial institutions and markets is absolutely crucial to providing a free and fair market. I support any and all changes that would enable such improvements. There is no legitimate reason for so much of the financial reporting to be, at best, hidden from public view…and be, at worst, outdated to the point of
FINRA 21-19 is a long overdue change. A free and fair market is a strength of the US and it is obvious the integrity of those markets has been strained this last year. Part of that is due to FINRA's outdated short interest reporting policy. Even with some of the proposed changes in 21-19, there are still some gaps that do not account for synthetic shares that should be addressed as well.
Confidence and faith in the US stock market is decaying rapidly. I'm the poster child for this decay. Up until this year, I really wasn’t paying attention. I was under the mistaken impression that the market was fair for all participants. Over the past year, I’ve realized that this game is rigged, primarily through the essentially unregulated use of illegal synthetic (naked) shares by key