Leveraged and Inverse funds are important. Big companies are allowed to do it so should the individual investor. My investment firm, TD Ameritrade, was very upfront that the fund I invested in was an inverse fund before I was able to confirm my trade order. Stocks and funds go up in value and go down in value. Individual investors should be allowed AND have the opportunity to invest in whichever
Dear sir or Madam, Although I appreciate the concerns for the well being of the citizens. I find more regulation on any investor infringing and destructive. I personally have a Ph.D. in mathematics. I spend great deal of of time assessing risks, creating models to make sure I am making the right decisions. Using leveraged funds is vial in leveraging, since you use a little bit of money to "
STOP THIS INSANITY! DO NOT PREVENT ME FROM TRADING EFTs! It's hard to believe that another agency is again wanting to control/restrict me, telling me how and what to trade. I am 64 years old, have been trading stocks since 1998 (24 years now). I am the only one that should be deciding on the risk of whatever stock or ETF that I (not FINRA) am going to invest in. I am abundantly capable of
Do not restrict my investing of inverse funds !!
I enjoy the freedom of investing in leveraged ETFs. It allows me to reach personal goals. I have had more success investing in leveraged funds than in individual stocks.
This proposal makes no sense. We understand the risks of owning these securities. The leverage per se is not a distinguishing feature. Individual investors own leveraged securities all the time. We buy futures, options etc.. Leveraged funds are simply a packaged, and often much more liquid way to do the same. All this regulation will do is boost the profits of FCMs and increase transactions costs
I have been using leveraged etfs for 15 years and find them to be a useful and basic part of my portfolio.
ETFs like ProShares ETF like UCO/SCO is a scam to rip-off individual investors, as these ETF do not provide transparency as why they do not balance out to what they promise of 1.5x or 2x return, check the daily price of UCO/SCO for the past month, they should be fined for not balancing their daily operations and the directors of ProShares and Direxion should put in jail and throw away the keys
Non-accredited investors are already discriminated against through exclusion from private equity and initial series of funding for new start-ups. FINRA protection from risk/profit is not helping, it is hurting small investors. Taking away small investorss ability to utilize leveraged or inverse ETFs prevents them from any chance of hedging. It is criminal and discriminatory. I have had enough of