Please do not interfere with my right to select my own investments. I do not want or need the restrictions you are considering.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in vehicles that are of my own choosing, and I do not believe FINRA should be able to dictate to me about the use of my own money. I am capable of understanding public investment vehicles and I should not have to pass some sort of test in order to invest in them. Inverse funds play an important role for me to be able to hedge other long investments, and
I oppose imposing any restrictions on trading leveraged/inverse products. I am an experienced investor and use these types of products to provide a leveling effect on my portfolios.
Back off with the regulation already! We are already over regulated. I can choose my own investments that are right for me and my family. I am fully capable of understanding leveraged and inverse leveraged funds and their risks. These funds are important to my investment strategy and I use them as a limited part of my portfolio.
We should have the freedom to choose where we want to invest. Why only the big players ? The options should always be available to retail investors too.
Common investors should be allowed to short and go long on the market. By not allowing the common investor to buy these instruments you are only allowing only the professional investors to make money off the common investor. Allow a level playing field!
You shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. Explain that you are capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. Tell regulators you do not need these measures imposed on you. Myself, Not people that impose and regulate should have the right to choose what to
I oppose any restriction my my rights to invest and trade