That [REDACTED] needs to be automated and updated hourly, if not by the minute.
As an investor, I feel hedge funds are exploiting some rules and feel somewhat unaffected by them It would be for the most interest, that the short sales were reported hourly, and in case of borrowing shares, that those shares are accounted and tracked, and blocked for trading for a minimum of 15 trading days before being released again
The revelations of opacity around short selling, trade settlement, and unlit off-exchange trading is deeply troubling and an abomination to the ideals of free and transparent capital markets. The delay and self reporting of short interest, coupled with lack of meaningful deterrents like imprisonment or material fines (fining Robinhood $70 million for their role in the January Gamestop shenanigans
Short selling may be a necessary evil in the market, but anyone caught with a naked short position should immediately be forced to close their entire position. The absurd reality of selling something that doesn't exist is just that, ABSURD!
Request to ban naked short selling and to implement rules that curb it (e.g., T-0). Increase transparency of market makers. Follow in other countries' footsteps in bringing criminal charges and impactful fines ($1B+) against violaters.
The only way to have any hope of fixing any issue with shorts would be to change trading tech. There should be no reason it is not used on block chain, specifically ledger technology. The settlement of shares in seconds will no longer allow the manipulation and will likely eliminate naked shorting.
Want more frequent public reporting of short positions and more detail in public reports. Also want rule for brokers to mandatorily have no share lending by default with an option to opt in.