Hello. I would like to see all short interest positions reported with a T+1. Transparency in the stock market is important and currently there is too much hidden from the general public. Please make the changes necessary for the public to believe in fairness in the stock market. Because currently, the general public believe it's heavily skewed towards those individuals/institutions with more
It is my opinion the markets should be as transparent and fair across all avenues. The lack of transparency and information tilts the scale away from the retail investor and in turn causes distrust towards further involvement. Short information should be required to be disclosed to accurately guage the status and balance of a trade, and to rule out any potential foul play or bad actors.
For a market to be free and fair all information on a tradeable asset must be disclosed. These updated rules protect all parties but particularly retail investors like myself who do not have access to the same data set as large firms. I support these rule changes, a more transparent market would benefit current investors and protect the confidence of future investors in the US stock market.
I think the SI data should be reported daily to FINRA. FTD recover period should be reduced to T+2 and if not obeyed a 500% of the position should be fined to the accountable. Naked shorts should be reduced to a minimum, and ALL data should be accessible to the public, at the end of every market day.
It is completely demoralizing as a retail investor to see what goes on with the stock market manipulation via shorting, off-exchange trading, and lack of reporting on short positions. The market is only fair if you have enough money to play. The fact that institutions can trade off exchange, use a million different tactics to short a stock (especially high frequency trading), and get fined
I tried to purchase AMC stock in January, I was denied and frozen by Robinhood. I put in the money and tried to purchace below 10$, they refuse to execute my order...then wouldn't let me cancel it. They finally filled it after it hit the high around 18$ I have screenshot and email. Then, all of my friends were limited to buying power of a few shares a day! The economic impact is drastic as
I would like to see FULL disclosure of short positions taken by hedge funds and full length of time an FTD has been an FTD by which hedge fund and quantity of FTD
I’m shocked by the leave of corruption and illegal activity the hedge funds take part in, As bad as I hate to say it, if changed ain’t made towards these criminals i & many other will be stepping away from the US Stock market. Changes need to be made.
You should consider closing any kind of loopholes, also making anybody who is involved a short selling reporter position on a daily basis, and releasing that information to the public immediately. Failure to deliver, should be penalized on a daily basis, and information should be public on a daily basis. Increase penalties for violation of any short and naked shorting violation.
We need same day reporting! Live updates as the numbers are changing. We should also have all exchange data reported to 100%, meaning, you shouldn’t be allowed to under report or report fake data!