As a retail investor, I believe that there should definitely be reporting on short interest positions. Please make this happen!
Reporting transparency in a timely manner for ALL to see is what should be. Big money has ALL of the advantages. There is nothing fair or free about this market as it currently exists.
As a small retail investor it is obvious that shorting has become a way to rig the game against the retail investor and against companies vying for survival. This practice of shorting and the illegal practice of naked short selling makes our financial system look like a stool with three legs…. Not very stable. If we don’t fix the glaring problems in this system where the scale is so clearly
Rule 1. All short sale shall be reported to finra by end of each settlement day. Rule 2. Finra shall make public report the day to day short sale by end of settlement day or the trading week. Rule 3. All unused loaned shares shall be reported to finra by end of settlement day. Rule 4. Finra shall make public the outstanding unused loaned share by end of settlement day of a trading week. Rule 5.
My comments submissions are: 1. The purpose of this change is to improve transparency within the market to counter fraudulently or bad actors having the ability to circumvent reporting mechanisms for their own gain, and often the loss that retail investors suffer as a result when operating within the market. This premise should underpin how all comments are reviewed and revisions incorporated. 2
Market makers should not be allowed to have positions in the market, especially short! Anyone could see why this is a major conflict of interest. They have the tools and access to enough money to manipulate a stock price in their favor. The lack of transparency when it comes to shorting activity/positions by market makers and hedgefunds is hurting retail trader confidence as well! How is 50-60%
If short sellers can lower the price of a stock, they must be bound to honor the transaction. Through numerous holes in the system, short sellers are able, without serious legal or financial repercussions, to drag out settlement (apparently) indefinitely or avoid settlement altogether. Utilization of such settlement avoidance techniques is a violation of Federal law. That is, crimes -- a (RICO)
Citadel is aggressively manipulating the price of sever stocks, and improving short reporting will expose that. These changes SHOULD take effect.
It is commonly understood that for every transaction the terms of the exchange is known by both parties and executed faithfully to produce what we consider the stock market. Technology now allows for near instant transactions for market participants, therefore the due diligence of reporting that transaction to regulatory authorities should occur simultaneously with the transaction itself. This
Short data needs to be reported every day. Playing field is not equal. Their is no FREE market at this current time and id be a fool to believe there ever was. Fines to these institutions is a joke as well. They need to be made an example of. Land of the free? Nope not us. Land of greed sure.