1. Buy orders vs sell orders buy orders show more inflow and the price drops. 2. Naked shorting, synthetic shares. With amc the CEO gave good information about share holders and the amount per stock holder on average. This number does not add up with the volume of buy and sell orders. 3. It's a simple supply demand the supply is small and demand high. How can the price constantly dropping if
Transparency in the market! Frequent monitoring of naked shorting especially from Citadel who is a Market Maker and Hedge fund which is a conflict of interest. START ENFORCING RULES! MAYBE SEC SHOULD DO THEIR JOBS AND STOP WITH THE PETTY FINES! HOW ABOUT SOME JAIL TIME!! We are looking for a freedom market.
Yes. Yes. Yes. PLEASE follow through with all of these considerations. A Free and Fair market is what the US citizens expect, and this would be a huge step toward transparency in the markets. I believe this will help TRUST in the markets build in the minds and hearts of the average American.
I'd like to see the market have more transparency of shorts. In today's day and age, there should be 8-15 days to see a company's short percentage. The market information should be available to all investors no matter their size. Also, I feel that the "dark pool" system should be abolished. It too can possibly create uncertainty in the market. Thank you.
Sort this out so that the free market is a fair market
All short positions need to be reported hourly. Positions need to be report on open and close. Substantial fines, up to the cost of the underlying need to be levied against those improperly filing or not filing at all. This data should be available in full no later than end of business day.
Short positions should be reported daily. Any attempts by institutional investors to drive stock prices up/down (smear campaigns, fake DD, Spam/Ads) should result in fines that actually impact the guilty parties, not just a tiny percent of the profit from the illicit activities. There needs to be actual penalties for breaking the rules, or the so-called "free market" will ever truly
I've been trying to make some extra side money in the stock market for my family for the past year of so. I started out in Robinhood but eventually switched to Fidelity for obvious reasons. What i've learned tho is that my chance at succeeding in the stock market are minimal, regardless of the amount of research i've done, or amount of personal money i've invested. The odds
Why does a " dark " pool exist? We demand fairness and transparency in the stock market. How can we prevent " naked shorts " / synthetic shares? Why is there T + 2 when the market makers can see our trades instantly? This is NOT fair. There are RAMPANT FRAUD AND MANIPULATION.
We need more transparency for every short position so we can see the manipulation.