Restrictions need to be placed on shorts to prevent overleverage ASAP especially to the degree that AMC is right now. If any normal person to out a loan and over leverage it banks would be at our throats to receive their money. Why is it treating any different with short sellers. The act of bankrupting a company without full transparency of all positions should be illegal.
I can’t believe how non transparent Wall Street is. Institutional Investors have it all in their favour. Retail Investors have nothing. It’s a corrupt system. Nothing was learned by 2008. Dark pools should either be visible or outlawed. Synthetic share are a no but so clearly used but nothing is done to regulate. FTD’s are placed on the threshold security list for 13 days but then nothing happens
I believe that firms should be required to report their data on synthetic shares. I also believe that companies on the threshold list should be identified as such. I appreciate your time, Mike
Shorting as a market practice is a ridiculous concept to begin with because in no other area of a capitalist market can you borrow something that is already owned and then sell it, only to buy it back at a lower price to intentionally profit off of the initial lender. That aside, self reporting clearly isn’t working, and the ability for borrowed stock to be mis-marked, intentionally or otherwise
The way the market is controlled by short attacks is truly disgusting, the retail investor has become a feeding frenzy for hedge funds and market makers, it has to stop! It’s illegal what is happening on a daily basis!!!
It seems to me market makers can profit from and manipulate by failing to deliver. there should be greater penalties and a shorter time to cover naked shorts.
We can start with better transparency. The simple fact is that there are systemic issues with the creation of shares to borrow based on future volumes, failures to deliver, and shorting in general. While appreciated, and needed, the solutions to these do not lie in the resolution of transparency alone. Removing the capability to generate future transactions to borrow from, use for offsetting
From a young age we teach the youth to be honest. Can’t everyone just tell the truth….
Selling things you don't own is illegal. Naked shorts and the failures to deliver are a major problem, and I am tired of every institution in this country being stacked against the little guy, while these hedge fund players make billions from manipulating the market and destroying what ever business they want. People should be going to prison for a very long time.