I would love to have complete transparency in the market. Synthetic, naked shorts, all of it. Regulate the trading to make it fair. No high frequency trading algorithms that can easily manipulate the market and prevent retail investors from having a fair shot. I would really like to see all short information reported daily. Lastly, actual enforcement by the SEC of malpractice, instead of slaps on
Since we’re in this great technology age that we are in, reporting more frequently only makes so much more, since we are much more capable compared to the past.
There should be no "dark pool." Where they change the orders to whatever fits their agenda. This is obvious they are literally keeping the prices one to two cents below certain strike prices that have blown up in call options, then as soon as there are over ten thousand for one certain strike price they stop the momentum and hold it there until after market close. This is obvious to a
Short selling is legal, fair, and a proper tool to use in the markets to bring down the price of an over-valued security. Why does it feel like institutions have so much power over retail? Why does it feel like I am going up against massive opponents that refuse to lose? Why do they get away with criminal activity to avoid billions in losses to only pay regulators millions in fines? It's
Over the past few months, it has become clear that there is a lot of vital market data that is not accessible to the average retail trader. It is not a free and fair market when dark pool trading makes up the majority of trades. The dark pool in essence is a legal black market for trading and it is very exclusive. New and old retail traders have realized the market manipulation that is occurring
- Short interest positions to be public knowledge, not on a website behind pay walls. - Daily reports updated to a site FREE to the public. - Reports also to include Dark Pool Data, as these unlit exchanges are seemingly used more frequently than the lit ones now. Why report on numbers that wont even be the whole picture. - Watch for laundering in crypto/other markets that allow for institutions
I think retail is extremely desirous of seeing more frequent reporting and as much of that made publicly available as possible. At least of a weekly or bi-weekly basis. I believe the currently attempted short squeeze is bring to light that lack of transparency is being used to commit fraud and establish predatory roles against companies. The conduct of these financial professionals qualifies as
Respectfully, Much of what FINRA is “considering” regarding the reporting of Short Selling, Reporting, disclosures, and transparency is all needed to protect not only retail investors both domestic and abroad, but to ensure there is confidence in the US stock market. A failure to close loopholes from hedge funds and create a fair and equitable platform where investors get “real” pricing, and
In general, there needs to be more real time transparent data. Retail investors are not playing on an equal playing field in a supposed free market. With market manipulation obviously taking place with stocks such as $GME and $AMC, things need to change and companies need to be held more accountable. Measly fines or just looking the other way is just an insult to what our market, economy, and