1) Short interest data should be published daily. 2) Loopholes for hiding short interest with deep ITM options need to be closed for accurate reporting. 3) Self-reporting of positions needs to be cross-ckecked by independent audits periodically. It is really important you upgrade the reporting and also enforcement of rules, otherwise millions will lose faith in the legitimacy of the market and
The market needs to be totally transparent for ALL parties that use it. Dark pools should be regulated if not totally removed. FTD'S should be automatically enforced with no delay.
Something needs to be done about leveling the playing field between institutions and retail investors. With the technology available to us today it shouldn't require much effort for institutions to report their short positions on a daily basis, while also providing more detail in the public reports.
Makes no sense that shares I supposedly own can be loaned out and used against me and my best interest. Ridiculous
I want more transparency with hedge funds sharing the short interest as it always seams that the retail investors are always left in the dark here! Why can they fail to deliver options in the money abs never report then accurately or even buy them ever!!! It’s just ridiculous and needs to stop!
ENFORCE YOUR RULES. These rules don't mean anything if they're not enforced. And I'm not talking about giving Robinhood a 70m lawsuit, that's just the cost of doing business. The penalties need to be crippling to ensure that the rules are followed. Reduce the reporting period to daily. We live in the digital age, there is absolutely NO reason that this information isn't
I’d like to voice my support for Short Interest Position Reporting Enhancements. In today’s digital market and environment, information is the most valuable resource retail investors (and others) can have to make responsible decisions with their finances. More frequent and accurate reporting are important… as well as penalties for non-reporting that are MORE punitive than the potential gain from
I support these proposals in general, and the proposals to require short interest reporting daily, and to require clearinghouses to report fail to deliver data, specifically.
Only available can create a short position & make shorts repay 4 times the amount they shorted when it’s time to cover there loss.
-Naked short selling from citadel -Robinhood stop trading gme in January -citadel paying off and or own media channels to pump and dump stocks and crypto -[REDACTED]------stocks that will have identical ticker patterns The rich have no rules! Paying a fine for doing illegal activities is a joke to them. - [REDACTED] -Dark pools trading and reroute orders to make a profit and keep the