I want a more transparent market for retail investors. Live accurate data that isn't 2-30 days delayed and partially reported. It is a distinct disadvantage that retail has when it only gets part of the picture. I also would like to see more regulations and stiffer penalties on naked short selling. The fines that are handed out for FTDs and naked short selling are a drop in the bucket to
Reiterating what another commenter said: “ The proposed amendment to FINRA 4560 is a laughable attempt at improving naked short selling internal control measures, actual regulatory action, or really any kind of further obligation on the part of the involved broker-dealers. There have been hundreds if not thousands of regulatory "actions" taken by FINRA related to short sale, and
Synthetic Shorts should be reported. Naked shorts are already illegal but with what we've been seeing on AMC and GME stock, and probably many many more stocks that just haven't been scrutinized like these two favorite stocks of mine. There needs to be something done to better make naked shorts "synthetic shorts" no longer performed by more than just a fine. These organizations
To whom it may concern: Any and all enhancements concerning reporting on market activities is greatly appreciated. Shorter reporting intervals and all inclusive information is crucial to investor success.
"Synthetic Short Positions: In addition, FINRA is considering requiring firms to reflect synthetic short positions in short interest reports." This should be implemented as a daily report with no T+ days.
Dark pools. Why are they here, what are they supposed to be used for. I feel they have been exploited and abused over and over for the benefit of the hedge funds and market makers. They have been used to hide short positions and kick the can down the road in regards to amc and gme.
Seeing new regulatory rules and requirements is a good step, however they are only as powerful as their own enforcement. FINRA is apparently aware of PFOF, naked shorts, dark pool trading (of up to 89% total daily volume), etc. The rules recently put in place, as well as this request for comment(s) make this obvious. However, the retail investor trades continue to have minimal effect on actual
It’s obvious shorting has a role to play in today’s market, but also has huge potential to be abused! When very large Hedge Funds or brokers can leverage their short positions by buying shares in a dark pool it becomes predatory because those buys have no affect on market price. This allows short position players to hold short positions longer than they should. If a time or price restriction was
AMC has already stated that they have enough liquidity to stay in business until the end of fiscal year 2022 and yet Market Makers, Prime Brokers, Hedge Funds, continue to short the stock on purpose to bankrupt the company and completely disregard the failure to delivers and blatant manipulation with minimal transparency to retail investors and they are getting away with it everyday. Please help
Reports on short positions should be done on a daily basis with no T+ days. In my observation, a lot of the fraud and price manipulation are able to stay hidden due to T+ days.