I currently feel that this needs to tracked more accurately and made public. I personally feel like things are done illegally and this would atleast help make things more transparent. Have also seen suspicious activity done on sort sale restrictions days (selling millions of shares worth of deep in the money calls to force market makers to short a stock to remain delta neutral). I'm not sure
We as investors get screwed by big hedges who manipulate the market with shorting with there software made to artificially give a false price Sabby and Citadel are the to biggest that continues break laws and nothing happens to them we are tired of this they find away to come up with shares that should not be there. I see many lawsuits being the only way of stopping this illegal activity this is
These rules are essential for retail traders to have a chance at Making money in the market by themselves. Hidden short and synthetic short position set up retail for failure. It would be great to see FINRA adopt and enforce these rules
Naked short selling was made illegal, yet the hedge funds still conduct in this activity almost daily. Harsher penalties need to be dealt by regulatory agencies to ensure it stops and not just by dealing out small fines that are pennies on the dollar compared to what the hedge funds stand to make. Mandatory and constant audits need to happen by regulatory agencies to ensure shorts and FTDs are
Please approve the new rules to tighten up short interest reporting requirements. There are too many loopholes that short traders use to hide and obfuscate their true short interest (eg hiding shorts in deep OTM put contracts) which puts retail traders at an information disadvantage, which is anathema to free market principles.
If want all information about short interest exposed for public to see Honestly we the Americans and rest of the world are tired...we want and need prooer regualtion of the stock market..everyday stock.is open we seeing manipulation . Everyday the retailer os always bag holder... You finra and sec need cut that bs of fines..that shit never works..we.want see pple go to jail...all this wealthy
Isn't naked shorting illegal? Isn't it the SEC and FINRA's job to investigate and enforce? Please do your job. There is a go fund me page soliciting funds to pay for an attorney to investigate GME and AMC naked shorting when taxpayer dollars are already being spent to fund the SEC. Do your job. Everyone is watching.
All reports should be consolidated for all markets in one location where it is easily accessible to all investors. FTDs should be reported daily and should be required to be cleared within a a T3 timeline without exception. Short positions and changes to those positions should be reported daily and that information should be made available to all investors no later than the next business day
Anything to improve accountability and transparency is most welcome.
The lack transparency that Hedge funds offer is astonishing, it allows fraudulent trading of securities with impunity! Short