I don't think it's right to limit my investment opportunity
I am totally opposed to the Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 for the following reasons: 1. I am a small investor that has invested in leverage funds for greater than 20 years and am quite capable of understanding the risks of using leverage funds. In fact, I find it offensive that a regulator would question my knowledge of the market by using some gimmick like passing a special test related to my
I strongly oppose restrictions to my right to invest. I should be able to choos the public investments that are right for myself. Why are you all even considering making us go through a special process and placing these kinds of restrictions in general. I don't have much. I am a hardworking young lady just trying to make a place for myself in this world. I should be able to use my hard
Leveraged and Unleveraged etf have been used to hedge against the downward market trend for a while not only by sophisticated user but the likes of people who actively manage there brokerage account. Taking it away would not only provide less tools for a retail investor like me but also only benefit only the rich who qualify as accredited investors. There are simply not many options for retail
The individual small investor should have access to any and all investment vehicles available without arbitrary restrictions. This includes leveraged and inverse instruments as well as institutional products if the individual has sufficient capital to invest in these products.
I oppose the proposed restrictions to accessing leveraged ETFs. Creating a two tier system for wealthy elites verses main street investors is not acceptable. It would be wholly inappropriate to force investors out of leveraged positions during a major market correction simply because the SEC has deemed poor people as idiots. I am disgusted with the SEC's pervasive attitude that main street
Dear Sir/Madam: I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all, not just a chose few. Matter-of-fact, I think we should abolish the current Initial Public Offering process and democratize that process like it is done by the largest democracy on the planet, India. In India,
This is outrageous! I appreciate the service Titan offers me as I don't have time to research the market daily to analyze my associated costs and risks. Titan's portfolio allows me to spend my time doing what I like and what I'm good at, much like the hedge fund managers for the wealthy 1% that allow them to spend their valuable time on other activities besides market research.
I am a public investor, I opposed restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds because: - Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged, I am not a regulator, I am one of the public, so I should have the right being able to choose any public investments; - I understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks, I should not have to go
Let me invest like the adult that I am. Give me the freedoms people in every other other democratic country has. Protect me from my enemies both foreign and domestic, but not from myself, please, Mr Government.