Naked shorting is an extremely damaging practice that shouldn't be utilized in the markets. With it's widespread use, a stock is not sure to be valued correctly. As a result companies that may be beneficial are forced to shut down, lowers investor's returns illegally and undermines people's faith in the market. Regulatory agencies need to prevent these practices.
You are requested to comment on these proposals. Let's face it, the Hedge Funds are going to be using their voices to prevent these changes from occurring so we need to use our voice too. There are a lot more apes than Hedgies. I've cut and pasted just some of the proposals (man, if you think this is a long and dry read, wait until you read the webpage): - Account-level Position
Greetings and Salutations, I made an edit of Wikipedia's Ripple web page in the Litigation section, under the user handle Gravitoelectrotensor, adding sentences 2-4 to paragraph 3 and adding paragraphs 4-7. Paragraph 6 summarizes Commissioner Hester Peirce's Safe Harbor 2.0 proposal. My posting of the edit on Twitter had 14.5K
1n the first place, naked short selling should allowed and we know that it is because there is no way to police it. This would help.
The number of shares in the market directly influences the value of those shares, and therefore the investments holding them. Anything that changes that count, no matter how many or how few, MUST be reported and published in order for investors to make informed decisions. There is NO situation where the dilution or concentration of available shares should be withheld from investors.
Please stop the corruption and stop letting big money and the market makers manipulate the system to their favor. I realize long ago, America was an oligarchy controlled by the rich. The shades have been pulled back and the world is watching. Please make the big guys adhere to the rules that retail has to follow.
I think everyone would agree the Dark Pool trading reporting, The Citadel Connect routing their own "dark pool" being reported on and things regarding anything dark pool related would be a great place to start, as of now the data isn't close to the whole picture. Leverage, actual leverage, not HF's hedging positions hiding shorts through hedged calls and puts, hiding shorts
Hi FINRA, Please take care of the dark pool and short sale activity that's recently murdering the integrity of the U.S market. Some "meme" stocks might not have any fundamentals behind them, but the level of [REDACTED] going on with the hedgefunds controlling time & space is unbelievable. In June and July, dark pool trading has accounted for 60/70% of the trading volume,
In support of these changes.
Of course these standards should be placed and enforced. There’s been a massive failure of honesty for several decades amongst institutions, and it’s time for them to finally come out into the light for once. The reward for their dishonesty is far too great to trust them on their own, and movements need to be made to regulate them more strictly and more transparently.