Please look into the manipulation that is hurting retail investors in the AMC and GameStop stocks. The short selling and dark look trading on these stocks is absolutely out of control and prevents a true free market for retail investors.
Short positions should be updated intra-daily, full transparency. The fact that short sellers, marketmakers, and dark pool traders are in fact the same entity is mind-blowing. Level the playing field already!
We need more frequent reporting on short positions.
We need more transparency in the short interest data, with technology today we should be able to see up to the minute not T+2 . Failure to Delivers should also have more up to minute reporting so the retail investor can make the best financial decisions based on current data not there best guess off data that drips in slowly while hedge funds have the current data to manipulate the market.
I believe in requiring firms to reflect synthetic short positions in short interest reports. For example, enhanced short interest reporting could include synthetic short positions achieved through the sale of a call option and purchase of a put option (where the options have the same strike price and expiration month) or through other strategies. FINRA believes this information would assist FINRA
The market is broken. Please enforce more rules/regulations regarding illegal sale of shares, market manipulation, and all around shady actions from market makers and HFs. I make minimum wage, and only invest what I'm comfortable with, but it's nearly impossible to gain any traction when the market is so corrupted. Tempted to remove my funds from the market as a whole and stash my cash
There isn’t ANY transparency within the market. Dark pools need to be GONE. SSR needs to be enforced much more strictly. FTDs need to be enforced without delay. The hedge funds leash is way too long. Nobody will trust the market after this.
Shorts should publicly announce their position and SSR should stop shorting in general. On dark pools as well.
More transparency in reporting, and a crackdown on malpractice
Daily short reporting Bigger - significant fines for false reporting. 1:1 with share price so they cannot consider it as “cost of business”