Naked shorts should not exist at all. Citadel and other hedgefunds are creating shares, trading them in dark pools back and forth with each other, and in some cases they dump them back into the market to artificially suppress stock prices. They make millions selling off shares while trying to ruin companies. Why is this even allowed. As a regular person, I can’t make up items and sell them on
Dark pools and naked shorting is killing the market. Ftd s are not being take. Seriously. AMC apes will be leaving the market after the squeeze if you don’t do something about the manipulation, cheating and theft. If you don’t we’ll crash the market and never return. You sat by in 2008 but nows your chance to make things right. Fight for us (the lil guy) or we will make the markets pay dearly
Reiterating what another commenter said: “ The proposed amendment to FINRA 4560 is a laughable attempt at improving naked short selling internal control measures, actual regulatory action, or really any kind of further obligation on the part of the involved broker-dealers. There have been hundreds if not thousands of regulatory "actions" taken by FINRA related to short sale, and
The average investor in the United States is kept woefully in the dark when it comes to the dealings of large institutions, such as Citadel. The power institutions like this have to manipulate the market and evade even the simplest rules of the "free and fair" market has proven astronomical. Retail investors need more transparent access to short positions that these large institutions
Transparency in the market! Frequent monitoring of naked shorting especially from Citadel who is a Market Maker and Hedge fund which is a conflict of interest. START ENFORCING RULES FOR ALL PARTIES EQUALLY.
Please report short position data daily as well as more data in general for retail thank you
More frequent public reporting of short positions and more detail in public reports.
I believe that the fines applied are like pennys for these people who commit the crimes. The fines need to start at a huge % of the profits they have made off the retail investor. Synthetic shares should NOT exist at all but in this case they should be added to short interest %. Short interest and other information should be more transparent and we should have the same information they have at
As a common retail stockholder, I would very much like to see much more current and much more detailed reporting of short sale activity. I would also like to see investigation as to possible malicious or surreptitious activities by large companies with resources not available to retail investors.
Make them report their short interest and any changes in that short interest!