ENFORCEMENT!!! You can make all the rules in the world but until they are enforced they do no good. And when you do enforce the punishment needs to fit, those guys laugh at the piddly fines they're given! Close the loopholes, SSR is useless and darkpools need to go!
1) The current fines for illegal behavior is an absolute joke. If a HF gains $500 mil illegally and is only fined $250,000 that’s a joke of a fine. The fine should be equal to the amount that was illegally gained and possibly include jail time. Currently, its equivalent to a person robbing a bank for $100 mil and only getting a $5,000 fine and keeping the rest. Absurd! 2) Self reporting is an
I would like to see more frequent public reporting of shorting positions and also, more details in the public reports.
T-0 settlement. Real fines or jail time for naked shorting. FTD’s need to be covered or receive at the least a 70% fine. Shut down dark pool trades, they are a huge scam against the retail traders.
Need better reporting on dark pools and collation of all shorting data on a daily basis.
Not very much to say but that this criminal activity that majority of the short sellers partake in needs to stop. The manipulate activities, the scamming to overpower the retail investors, the use of dark pool activity to manipulate the regular market is absurd. The sec, finra, and other regulators that let these criminal activities continue to go on this long is wicked. So yes I think something
Current total short interest updated no less than once per day. Short position averages as well as amounts sorted by length held. Ie: 400k shorted shares still uncovered/ current position lifespan 24 days. Total disclosure of what exactly is being pushed through dark pools. It's on par with financial terrorism, fraud, theft, and the like. Absolutely disgusting how our regulators sit back and
Retail investors deserve proper and timely disclosure of information, the amount of Information that is misreported is incredibly misleading. Please do something about this broken system, institute changes that bring positive outlook to the future of the stock market, for all participants.
Good evening, I write to explain my frustration with the current market, some market makers as well as bad players. The United States stock market is currently very manipulated and it is becoming so obvious that I feel it is endangering the US stock market. Short selling has become a big problem for a few players out there. I believe they have made a lot of money and when caught the fines have
Appropriate reporting requirements on short sales, institutional short selling and dark pool sales reporting. Outdated reporting requirements allows for the current institutional deceitfulness in its short selling practices