I would like to see Short interest not be self reported anymore and for it to be reported from regulators such as Finra or the DTCC. If no such action is possible, I would like to see harder fines for misreporting Short Interest, especially if it is a bigger institution as to smaller investors, the fine does not seem harsh enough to get those to stop misreporting short interest
How about margin calls at the start and end of the trading day? Put an end to naked short selling and police the market so it is fair to ALL!!!
When is the SEC going to stop this fraudulent trading that millions of us see around the world. This is a global problem with the US stock market and making wallstreet a laughing stock of the US AMC and GME are being fradulent traded in fake shares it’s beyond time to fix this problem with citadel and the others in this mess...
enough is enough. If you are going to short you need to disclose. There is way too much manipulation favoring institutions and market makers. This is supposed to be America where everyone gets a fair shot. As a veteran I beg you to make the markets fair and ENFORCE your rules. The little guy needs you.
I'd like to point out your "What We Do" section on your website. Many of retail investors are well aware that you actually do nothing at all in the grand scheme of things. You give out measly fines to make it appear like you're doing your job, when those same institutions that you fined made billions of dollars in profit. You may write rules, but you certainly do not enforce
I'm not a super smart person to see all the manipulation, naked shorts, illegal activities going on with these hedgfunds against us apes and our stocks AMC/GME.. WE JUST WANT A FAIR CHANCE JUST LIKE THEY HAD FROM THE BEGINING TO HAVE AND MAKE A BETTER LIFE , THATS ALL , THANK YOU SINCERLY MY APE FAMILY AND I..
Hello, I would like to see more transparency and effective regulation (and enforcement) on Short Sale Reporting. As a retail investor, my confidence in our American stock market is very low and leaves me feeling cheated due to these "behind the scenes" loop holes that large corporations and institutions can utilize to benefit themselves through bending the rules through clever exploits
I would like to see all short information to be provided daily. It really puts the retail investor at a huge disadvantage by not having the full picture.
I would like to see a T-0 or next day. We want to be able to see short sale positions in all facets at all times