The problem is not the rules... Rules are there already and you know as well as everyone else that the issue is that the rules are for thee and not for me. Enforce the rules that are on the books and stop not only the naked short selling but also the political hacks working for your agency and all throughout the financial industry regulatory authorities. Tell me... How much again did Pelosi make
The only thing evil needs to thrive, is for good men to do nothing. The market as a whole is trash and the world is beginning to ask questions. Better to turn it upside down and fix it, than to let it run off its wheels.
I’m in full agreement with most of the changes you have added above. Naked shorts and FTD are reeking havoc on price discovery and there’s little to no visibility on this type of data. Without information and transparency we can’t have a truly free market.
100% cfull and transparent reporting on all trades for all stocks. Full and transparent reporting on anything and everything that goes through dark pools, and full and transparent reporting on shorting and naked shorting. If the stock market is an investment vehicle for the people, it needs to be made fair.
All short sales - synthetic, actual, borrowed, naked shorts which we need to acknowledge exist, etc. ALL should all be more fully disclosed to level the playing field for the non-institutional buyer. Hedge funds manipulate the market terribly with the existing rules and it needs to change.
I would like to see daily short interest reported with one hundred percent transparency. Not self reported with omissions, so that we can understand natural price movent in stocks without manipulation.
When I see the daily clobbering, due to obvious market manipulation, myself and other retail investors can scarcely afford, I feel angry. We need protection so that we can actually benefit from investing in companies of value, Like AMC, GME and countless others. I request that you move immediately against the blatant securities fraud Citadel and other are committing, daily, and that you consider
Thank you for allowing the opportunity to post feedback and make recommendations to make the system fair for all traders. I feel that short interest should be reported intraday. If a stock price can be updated within milliseconds then this should be possible too. I also feel that large institutions that have over 100,000 of any stock should have to report their short positions pre and post market
We want transparency We want a free and fair market We need way bigger fines/jail time for those who disregard the rules Just take a look at AMC stock
You need to put a stop to the market manipulation, specifically on AMC. The last two days there has been more inflow than outflow and yet the price has dropped. 60% of all transactions happen on the dark pools. This is unfair to retail investors. Plus all the additional limitations we have and it seems that no governing entities have our best interest in mind. Seems they are always looking out