I'm a former registered investment advisor and was on the board of the National Futures Association as a CTA representative on the self regulatory body for the futures industry. I also served as an arbitrator on cases where clients were suing their futures brokers. In my experience over 45 years of trading, investors in the US have been handicapped in providing themselves strategies and
I am opposed to the regulation limit leveraged investments and inverse funds. I use them successfully in my personal portfolio and should not be hampered by your regulator imposed restrictions. Who are you to limit free market investments by anyone. It is still our money at this point. Keep your hands and legislation out of our lives.
Im a former options principal .. a Bachelors degree in economics and 30 years in banking and investment banking
I have been using leveraged etfs for a long time successfully. If you have educated yourself about the risks and have they work, they are very safe to use. The government should not make it difficult for investors to use these tools that have proven to very effective as a part of a multi prong trading strategy.
I oppose regulations proposed by the SEC in 2019 and ask to stop a new, radical and unprecedented threat by regulators that could put my right to buy leveraged and inverse funds at risk.
I don't agree with limiting investors choices in regards to which funds can be invested in, especially in regards to inverse market funds. It's my understanding you intend to enact measures to restrict investors rights to invest in these types of funds if the investors don't meet certain criteria. I believe strongly that investors should be allowed to make their own choices. I don
Please do not be condescending or ignorant about unnecessary regulations. Leveraged etf's are a safe and effective way to hedge wealth and/or create investment profits. Leveraged and inverse funds are essential to manage down markets and as a mature investor I do not need Finra guidance on what to do with my money. In my view this maybe a play to limit downside momentum in the stock market
In my opinion Finra needs to stop loading restrictions those don't make sense. Let traders and me decide rules for public investments unless it's protection of my assets. No test process is needed without my approval stupid. Too much government and it's control is not acceptable while filling their own pockets using corruption.
this would be bad for investors
As long as you have a margin account, leveraged and inverse funds don't matter because you can use margin leverage and short the funds. The leveraged and inverse funds are much safer to manage the risk rather than using margin because unlike leveraged margin positions, the leveraged and inverse funds never go negative price. In that sense, the leveraged and inverse funds are actually safer